Today’s Mos Eisley Marketplace find are these Star Wars handbags by Etsy seller Nuchy Handmade. I love seeing what creative fans make with the licensed Star Wars fabrics – these handbags by Nuchy are fabulous!
My favourites are the shoulder bags – with 2 pockets on the outside/front, and 2 pockets on the inside, perfect for carrying all your day-to-day essentials.
There are several bag styles to choose from, with some great Star Wars fabric prints available. Prices range from US$25.00 to US$50.00 each – Nuchy Handmade can ship internationally!
Shop the range of Star Wars handbags on Etsy – US$25.00 to US$50.00 each
Photos sourced from and belong to Etsy/Nuchy Handmade.